Monday, 31 August 2009


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

Two weeks ago, there was a notice circulated around UTM that there will be disruption of electricity starting midnight until 7am this morning. Everyone was prepared for it and announcement has been made all over the whole campus. Two weeks ago, when I read the notice I phone the person in-charged to inquire further so that I can plan what actions can be made from our college to prevent unwanted incidents like break-in, theft, etc. because this is a female-only college. The officer explained that at midnight, the electricity will be cut off from the power station for maintenance and UTM will generate its own electricity and supply it stage by stage to the whole campus. He offered to supply the first generation of electricity to our college to answer my worry. Alhamdulillah.

That is what the officer has promised and alhamdulillah, he delivered his promise. There was actually no electricity disruption at all the whole night at our college. The rest of the campus didn't have any electricity for a short while. Really have to thank the officer for his kind co-operation. I slept before midnight and woke up for suhur. The light is still on, alhamdulillah. A simple test of blackout can actually teach everyone a lesson to be thankful of what we have. InshaALLAH a month of fasting will teach us a lesson to be thankful of what we have our dining table everyday.


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