Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
A pleasant surprise that I received this morning though I sort of expecting it but then when my friend came back from Egypt I still didn't receive this, I have forgotten about it. Earlier on, she was in Egypt and asked me for my postal address, so I knew what could it be and she likes postcards as well. Later, when I've learned that she has arrived back in the UK, so I did not expect anything from Egypt.
Anyway, I received this postcard in a rather unexpected manner. The postcard was in some else's pigeonhole at my faculty and it dropped right in front of me when my colleague took all her mails out of her pigeonhole. If you can see how the stamps and the written name and address in the below picture, you will not be surprised to realise why I did not get the postcard in my pigeonhole.
But alhamdulillah it arrived and I'm so glad to read it. Yes, I miss her so much, more than words and thoughts can explain, only my heart and the Creator of my heart know.
For all my friends, even a little thing like an email, chat, facebook wall or message, text, phone call, postcard, dua that they made, salam that they sent, etc. really excite me. I wish I can do the same to all my friends as well.
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